Mohsin Khan - Blogs

Simplifying fitness to help you on your journey to creating a better you

Mohsin Khan Mohsin Khan

Do I need to take supplements?

You’ve finally taken the first steps to regularly exercising. You’ve become a member at the local gym and even bought your new gym gear! The next thing new gym enthusiasts often look into is what supplements they should take and how often they should work out to get to their goals in the quickest time possible.

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Mohsin Khan Mohsin Khan

Cardio vs Resistance Training for Fat Loss

If I was looking to quickly lose weight years ago, I’d automatically lean towards cardio and in many respects I’d be right to think that. Now I have never really needed to lose more than a stone in weight and that’s where it can all fall down.

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Mohsin Khan Mohsin Khan

You DON’T have to become weaker as you get older

We have probably all been told at some stage ‘wait until you get to my age’ as if it is inevitable that you will develop weaker joints and you won’t be able to function the same way once you reach some magical number. It’s simply not true. However, it is true that most adults suffer from some form of upper or lower-cross syndrome.

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